Saturday, June 16, 2018

Ah, The African Internet!

Well my faithful readers, it has quickly become apparent early in the journey that our internet access is particularly weak and slow.  Rather than spending untold hours waiting for photos to upload, only to lose signal and have to start all over again, I’m afraid keeping a blog is untenable. 

 We had an amazing first day on the mountain at the orphanage and in the villages where we met  many wonderful children and amazing people called to love and care for them.  

We  were welcomed into the small home made of sticks and mud  of a woman who was severely injured a terrible bus accident that made international news last year.  All 10 of us, along with Munisi and Mr. Marroso squeezed into the little home and sat on her rough wooden bed and a small bench.  In the presence of this family, we committed to raising the $3,500 necessary to build them a small, dry, safe home through the houses for health ministry.  

Pastor Paul prayed for this woman and her family and we departed with full hearts.  Tomorrow we head back up the mountain for worship and Pastor Paul Oman will bring his Drawn To The Word artistic ministry and Lydia and Adam will offer a song during the service as well. 

 We will do our best to post pictures and updates to Facebook and Instagram and whatever else our young people are into social media wise.  Sorry that I will not be able to blog as usual but we will continue to appreciate your prayers for a safe and meaningful experience here in Tanzania! One thing is for sure after the first day, I have got one fantastic group this year! 

Monday, June 4, 2018

10 Days, 10 People, 10,000 Miles (give or take)

A Vision Trip to Tanzania is one of those events that looms large on your calendar and only grows larger when the 10 day countdown to departure begins! I have been blessed to make this journey more times than I can count over a period of many years but I still find myself wondering what God has in store this time around.

I am excited that our group is prepared to share our own gifts as we gather for worship on the lower slopes of Mt Kilimanjaro pictured here. Lydia and Adam bring musical gifts. Paul and Kelsey Oman will be offering their Drawn To The Word artistic ministry during each worship service. I will preach. The presence of every member of our group will be experienced as a profound gift by our Lutheran brothers and sisters in these village churches.

Tanzania is a breathtakingly beautiful place filled with gracious and welcoming people. There is poverty and progress and corruption and capacity. There are Muslims and Christians and a thriving Lutheran church with a servant's heart and a commitment to growth.

So, we go looking for brothers and sisters wherever they may be found. We go to learn and worship and grow. We are guests of the Northern Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania, there at the invitation of presiding bishop and dear friend, Rev. Dr. Frederick Shoo.

Bookmark this blog to follow along or subscribe to receive updates each time there is a new post. We appreciate your prayers for a safe and meaningful journey. We depart from Minneapolis on June 14.

Asante sana!

Ah, The African Internet!

Well my faithful readers, it has quickly become apparent early in the journey that our internet access is particularly weak and slow.  Rathe...